Saturday, March 28, 2009

Letter to Obama Re: Rick Warren

Dear President-Elect Obama:

We contributed to your campaign. We wish you only the best. We love you, we are proud of you, we are convinced of your good will; we can't wait till you take office.

We believe strongly that your reasoning about inviting Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at your inauguration is wrong and must be amended. His roll in your inauguration is central; he is to speak for the multitude, for all of us.

This he cannot do, regardless of what he says. His public -positions on "cultural" issues preclude this. An invocation by this fatally flawed figure can only mar the magnificence and importance of your inauguration for the entire world. Consider not only how it will be seen by Americans, but also by Europeans and the Islamic world.

Please consider this. Your reasoning is wrong. This is in no way equivalent to his invitation to you to his church. And his voice will not be raised at your inauguration along with others as an expression of diversity and freedom of expression. His will be a lone voice, a central voice; this because of his central role in delivering the invocation.

I sincerely hope this point comes to your attention and that you give it the consideration I believe it deserves. Thank you for all you have done and for all you will do.

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