Saturday, March 28, 2009

Congress to The President: Do What You Want in Iran

No Balls: This is and has been the Democrats' problem. - 30Jun2008

But laying low to avoid rocking the boat in advance of the 2008 election will not work well. Our president can easily manipulate the media and the national mood for a week or two whenever he chooses.

He can announce a capture of a high Al Quaeda operative, someone who as been in our hands for 8 months (sound familiar?). He can precipitate a crisis in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, or Pakistan with a simple troop movement. All the "It's the economy, stupid," will go right out the window for a week or more. And if it's the first week in November, it matters.

Has anybody but he Iranians noticed that we have them flanked, that we have the nations on both sides of them occupied? Our troops and the bulk of our military might are right on their borders.

If we go to war with Iran, the middle east will look like the Third World War. The three nations side by side, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan, comprise an area near the size of Western Europe.

And John McCain has stated, as discussed here and elsewhere in the past few days, that it would take a third world war to bring back the draft. Remember the political backdrop to 1984? It was poverty at home and constant war abroad. Sound familiar?

Tom Delay on Israel and Iran - 9Jul2008:
UnAmerican: When asked this morning what he would do if told by Olmert that he was going to bomb Iran's Nuclear facilities, Tom Delay quickly said: "Go ahead. Or maybe we would do it instead. Maybe that would be better." He explained that we cannot trust Obama to do the right thing so Iran's Nuclear capabilities, if proven real, must be destroyed before President Bush leaves office.

I have heard speculation about this issue from many commentators. This is the first time I have heard it from a prominent and powerful person in politics.

As it stands now, Senator Obama is likely to be our next president. Those who oppose him now will become "The Loyal Opposition." The key word is "Loyal."

If the sentiment Tom Delay articulates carries the day with those who hold the real power, if our President forces action against Iran now because he believes that President Obama would fail to do so, then he is disloyal to the President, he is unAmerican, unpatriotic. That's a simple fact.

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