Saturday, March 28, 2009

GI Bill Passes in a Landslide - 22May2008

From the floor of the Senate, Senator Obama credited Senator McCain's service and then questioned his motives for opposing this bill. Senator McCain quickly released an angry response, challenging Senator Obama's Bona Fide's to speak to those who opposed the bill, since he had not chosen to serve in the military.

The tone and substance of Senator McCain's were vitriolic and to my reading and to many others', it was over the top. I don't understand why Senator McCain opposes this bill and I am alarmed by his irrational assertion that Senator Obama is not qualified to do the job to which he was elected because he didn't serve in the military.

If President McCain were to respond in this way to a challenge from a belligerent international antagonist, I am fearful what the consequences might be, just as I am fearful regarding the back and forth provocations which are now escalating between our government and that of Iran.

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