Saturday, March 28, 2009

Barack Obama and The Smackdown - 1Aug2008

When McCain called Barack "craven" and said that Barack was willing to lose the war in order to win the political campaign, the dialogue was no longer about issues or race or politics. It became a primordial interchange in which only might could make right. McCain was strong and Barack was not.

And that has continued. Barack has to smack McCain down. We all know that he doesn't want to, and we all know he can. He did it with Jeremiah Wright and he can do it with McCain.

He must, else he will continue to look and be weak. American demands a president who can handle a street fight. McCain has started it. Barack must respond, not necessarily in kind, but respond he must, and it must be rough.

Barack didn't have to do that with Hillary, because by the time it was called for, his lead was unassailable and so he laid back. And he looked bad too, but he won. But he must act here. John Kerry never did, and he lost. We can't afford for that to happen again. The county can't afford it; the world can't afford it.

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