Saturday, April 4, 2009

New Package, Same Old Scam

Russell Simmons published an article yesterday touting his support of a fund-raising concert to held at Radio City Music Hall tonight.

Here is some of what he states. Why doesn't he state that this is a fund-raiser to promote a particular meditation technique, Transcendental Meditation as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?

"... join David Lynch, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Donovan, Mike Love and many others in joining in the visionary work of the David Lynch Foundation who are hard at work chasing the dream of bringing meditation to a million students worldwide.
The daily practice of meditation ..."

"... There's a mountain of scientific data that supports the fact that consciousness-based education and having quiet time at the beginning and end of the school day improves academic performance and spills over to happier and healthier young people at home. ..."

The David Lynch Foundation website ( ) provides additional information from this proponent for Transcendental Meditation. The Rick Ross Foundation website ( ) and my own ( ) provide additional information from critics.

Given the focus of the TM movement on children, it is worthwhile to note the case of Malnak Et. Al. v Yogi Et. Al., New Jersey Federal District Court #76-341 ( ): "... Science of Creative Intelligence/Transcendental Meditation ... the puja ceremony, are all religious in nature within the context of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and the teaching thereof in the New Jersey public schools is therefore unconstitutional. ..."


Hopeington said...

I'm commenting here,because HuffPo would not post my reply to you. I thanked you for the informative links,Thank you, and mentioned that I too have been getting censored and have seen brilliant comments disappear from the page, while leaving all the zippy one liners. One time, because I do ask the moderators what's up with this new practice, they wouldn't post any of my comments for 24 hours. I've also been complaining that Fox News was given it's own Big News page and many news blogs are redirecting us to commentary on Fox News, which seems a bit strange since we all know they are in the business of misdirecting information. Murdoch himself said they were never a business that dealt with facts.
I'm telling you this so you may be able to get an idea of why they may be censoring me, but as to the intelligent posts, I can't understand their reasoning. One day I asked the moderators why they had removed a brilliant post by take10, and they did put it back up, so....I just don't know what's going on over there. But please do continue to post, I go to HuffPo looking for honest dialogue, as I'm sure many others do.
Also I became a fan of yours after reading your profile. 6 years ago my 16 year old son had brain surgery for a burst aneurysm at Stanford in Palo Alto. Since then I have a profound respect for neurosurgeons and the amazing work they do. While the head of Stanford actually put the clip in my sons brain, the doctor who performed the 6 hr surgery, Dr.Huan, and his assistant, both looked like they had just returned from a restful Hawaiian vacation when they came to report their job was successful. There were a lot of miracles goin' around at the time, so I just figured that they had been uplifted by the good vibes they had encountered by opening up my son's brain. In reality I know they were probably just very happy to have saved his life when they admitted they had no reason to explain why he was even alive. You guys are awesome!!!!
Anyway, HuffPo helps us get links to different info that would take precious time to research, so please keep the comments coming!! Thanks again,Hope Novak Santa Cruz, CA
ps To get around the censor thing, I got another screen name, rollingballafire, and I find they will post the same comments without censorship, so when the censoring starts, I just switch names.

DonKrieger said...

Thanks for experience and thoughts about censorship on the Huffington Post. When I see it happening, my inclination is always to give them the benefit of the doubt: "Somebody made a mistake, clicked the wrong button ..." But it does seem to be real too often.

And thank you for sharing your son's story. It sounds like he's doing well. I'm very happy for him and your whole family.

I have attended more than 500 intracranial aneurysm surgeries. It's pretty rare to see a teenager but I have seen a few. Perhaps the surgeons you saw who looked like they had been on vacation were from the pediatric neurosurgery group. Typically, they will ask an adult neurosurgeon who specializes in vascular cases to do the case and they will assist.

My responsibility in these cases was to provide realtime monitoring of brain function. I'm a clinical neurophysiologist, not a physician.

The surgeon used the information I provided to make sure that there was no injury caused by the surgery itself.
